Smart DIH

Digital Integration Hub

Scale up your architecture to meet the massive demand for high performance, digital applications

Organizations today face a growing demand for digital services, serving both internal business applications and external customers. Your current data architecture may struggle to keep up with delivering digital services at scale, while maintaining high performance and availability.

Smart DIH is an out-of-the-box data management platform that quickly serves applications with accurate fresh and complete data from enterprise systems of record (SoR), delivering high performance, ultra-low latency, and an always-on digital experience. Smart DIH is based on the principle of decoupling APIs from systems of record, using a module that replicates your data, making it available using event-driven architecture.

Smart DIH removes the bottlenecks of traditional IT architecture that can hinder innovation with slow, irrelevant or expensive access to your SoRs. It enables you to drastically shorten the development cycles of new digital services, and rapidly scale to serve millions of concurrent users – no matter which IT infrastructure or cloud topologies it relies on.

Smart DIH consists of three integrated modules:

Integration layer

A data integration layer that connects to your company’s systems of record using an event-based approach. It features pluggable data connectors, supporting both streaming and batch-based data pipelines, as well as an embedded change data capture tool that replicates data in real-time from systems of record in response to any event. It also includes logic to ensure that the data is valid and complete, as well as smart reconciliation mechanisms to support recovery and schema change scenarios.

Hosting layer

The data hosting layer is based on a Distributed, scalable, in-memory data grid, in which the data is consolidated into one unified data model – funneling all data into multiple storage tiers, based on relevance.

Digitization layer

The digitization layer integrates to all your digital channels, including websites, mobile apps, chatbots, social channels, emails and text messages. Data is served to digital applications through RESTful APIs and events, using low-code microservices that developers can quickly create with minimal effort. In addition, distributed SQL queries may be executed from 3rd-party applications, using clientless JDBC/ODBC connectors.

Build digital apps at unprecedented speed

Short development cycles with low-code microservices

Faster & easier creation of new digital services using a unified data layer

More efficient use of development resources thanks to a low-code service creator

Engineered for frictionless user experiences

Ensuring an “always-on” service with zero downtime

Ultra-low latency delivered by our high-performance in-memory data grid

Delivering frictionless user journeys with data consistency across all digital channels

Download the Smart DIH Product Overview

GigaSpaces Smart DIH

Digitalization Layer

Multiprotocol (API, SQL, SDK)

Digital applications can be written in any language. They access data through either Rest APIs or JDBC/ODBC calls. Deeply integrated applications may also use native SDKs (java, .Net, C#).

Data Access Microservices

Microservices run independently from each other and can be fine-grained to specific functionalities, paired to a single endpoint. A low-code blueprint for service creation enables generation of repeatable project patterns, reducing coding overhead and errors.

Unified Data Model

Data from multiple sources is consolidated as a unified data model, supporting a mix of structured and semi-structured data, reducing workload from microservices developers and enabling continuous innovation.

Hosting Layer

Tiered Storage

Keep high-priority data in RAM for extremely high performance, while storing the rest of your data in SSD. This enables enterprises to optimize costs and performance based on data relevance and business needs.

High Concurrency, Low Latency

Leveraging in-memory data grid to support extreme performance and concurrency requirements, running code close to the data and eliminating downtime.

Distributed in-memory Data Grid

Increases overall RAM capacity by engaging multiple nodes and running parallel query processing on multiple machines, running on either commodity hardware or standard cloud infrastructure.

Data Integration Layer

Change Data Capture (CDC)

Automatically replicates SoR data in real-time in response to data changes. This ensures that digital applications always run on fresh data.

Pluggable Connector Framework

The framework for all data pipelines, supporting both streaming and batch-based connections across either strongly or loosely coupled integrations.

Metadata Change Management

The data pipeline helps minimize production downtime by responding to metadata changes in SoRs (adding a source table to existing tables, changes in source schema, etc.)

GigaSpaces provides a simpler, faster, and ultimately a more standardized way to create new, high performance digital services, and re-use them across your organization.

Smart DIH Resources

Intro to DIH by former Gartner analyst Massimo Pezzini

Case Study:
Transformation at Leumi, Israeli’s 2nd largest bank

See what Smart DIH
is all about

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